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How to Hand-Sew Quilt Binding: A Step-by-Step Guide (Including Perfect Corners)

How to Hand-Sew Quilt Binding: A Step-by-Step Guide (Including Perfect Corners) 

Finish Your Quilt Binding with Confidence 

Hey friends! We are finishing up our Binding 101 series today with a detailed guide on how to create a hand-sewn finish for your quilt binding, including how to perfectly tack down your mitered corners. This is the method I use for all my quilts, so I'll walk you through exactly what I do and the tools I use to help you feel confident in trying it out! 

Missed the Previous Steps? Catch Up Here! 

Want to back up and see the rest of the series? Learn all about bias binding, how to make your own, and how to attach it to your quilt. Now you’re all caught up! 

Essential Tools for Hand-Sewn Quilt Binding 

To make your hand-sewn quilt binding process smooth and enjoyable, here are my favorite tools: 

Leather Thimble: I love my leather thimble from Clover for added comfort and control. 

Needles: Any needle with an eye large enough for your thread will work perfectly. 

Wonder Clips: These are great for holding the binding in place as you sew. 

Thread: Choose an all-purpose thread that matches your binding. If you don’t have an exact match, neutral tones like gray or beige work well and won’t stand out. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Hand-Sewn Quilt Binding 

Follow these steps, or jump down to watch my video tutorial! 

  1. Thread Your Needle: Start by threading your needle and knotting the end (I use a quilter’s knot). You’ll want a piece that’s long enough to avoid frequent rethreading, but not so long that it tangles easily.
  1. Secure the Binding: Use clips to hold down the binding where you’re starting. I don’t clip the entire quilt—just one clip where I’m starting and another about 6 inches farther down. Then, I move the clips along as I stitch.
  1. Begin Stitching: Start your first stitch under the binding to hide the tail of the thread. Place another stitch in the same spot to secure it.
  1. Stitch the Backing: Stitch through just the backing, avoiding the front and trying not to grab too much of the batting.
  1. Grab the Binding Edge: Bring your needle up and grab just the edge of the binding. Keeping these stitches in line will give you an almost invisible finish.
  1. Repeat the Process: Slide down through the backing, come back up, and grab the edge of your binding. Repeat until you reach a corner.
  1. Tackle the Corners: When you reach a corner, fold the binding down and secure it with a clip while you stitch.
  1. Stitch the Corner: For corners, I use an X pattern. Start at the bottom left and stitch to the top right. Go down, under the binding, and come out at the bottom right. Then stitch to the top left. Go back down, under the binding, and come out at the bottom right, ready to start sewing the next side.
  1. Finish Off: When you reach the end of your thread or the end of the binding, finish with another stitch under the binding, tie a knot, and clip the thread.

The Joy of Hand Binding 

My favorite way to hand bind is while watching a good show, all curled up under the quilt. It’s so relaxing, and I hope you enjoy it too! 

Happy sewing, friends! 


